As I become older and grow more and more into the woman that I want to become I see how hard it is to be a lady. We have so many things going against us. If we speak our mind, then we're a b*tch. If we're financially successful on our own, then men tend to think that we don't need them. If we're sweet, then people take that kindness for weakness. Now I'm not the type of female that follows the crowd, but I do see the struggle for those of us that try to be a lady.
The first way I think that it is a struggle is when it comes to men and dating. Men seem to be impressed when a woman approaches, and pursues them, but what ever happened to chivalry? Have gender roles became so androgynous to the point where women have to be the aggressor?
Sexuality/sensuality is another way that I find it hard to be a woman. There is a difference between sexual and sensual. Sexual is just putting it all out there sort of like a video vixen.
Sensual women usually dress more reserved, but the way that they carry themselves still have a sexual overtone. Because we are human, we are sexual by nature and this is what men respond to. There isn't anything wrong with expressing yourself that way, but it should only be done behind closed doors. Women if you want respect for yourself, put away the slutty pictures, the low cut pants, and tops, and start dressing like a lady. You are making it hard for us that actually wear clothes.
Sexual vs Sensual
Corporate America is still male dominated which isn't a problem, however; just because a woman is successful doesn't mean she doesn't need you. She may not need you to pay her bills, but she may need that masculine companionship that only a good man can give. A successful woman just means that she is working hard to support herself, but a check full of zeros, a house, or a car can not hold her at night. So men, don't be intimidated by her. Also women if you are this woman, then don't give off that "I'm too good for you" vibe. You know you want to cuddle at night every once in a while.
Bottom line, women if you know you're not s**t, then please get yourself together because you make it hard for those of us that try to make it. Men respect the ones that are trying to make it, and quit giving so much attention to the ones that aren't doing anything with their lives so that ones that the good ones can stop feeling bad about themselves when they finish last. Even though a woman should be confident without approval, society does play a huge part on how a woman views herself because actions speak louder than words. One last thing, ladies stop being so catty, and start getting along. It's sad how all of us that are trying to do the right thing can't even trust another woman. I think that if we as women start to stick together, then it won't be so hard in the future.
What do you think?