Speak Positive Energy And Kinetics

Too Often people are so focused on themselves and their own progress that they forget society is not only about helpings oneself to success… but to help each other Progress. People commit negative actions because “everyone else does it” and they feel this justify theirs. Hypocriticism, Selfishness and other bad habits need to be something we strive to eliminate from our behavior and while we may never truly accomplish this goal… we must Try.

Our goal with Beasthood is to use our Words and Actions to help others know that there is a reason to be better, that someone does appreciate it and that someone WILL assist you on your journey. All Men, Women, Children, Races and Ages is who I aim to help become better while we progress on our Journey to do the same in our own Lives.

We don’t just talk the talk… We S.P.E.A.K.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Keys to Success: Punctuality


I've seen soooooooo many people lose out on opportunities because of timing. Punctuality is so important not only at work, but Life in general. People that find themselves in the right place at the right tend to have better "luck" so why not use that to your advantage by making sure you are where you need to be when you need to be there?


When it comes to work, people come in 5 minutes late with the logic of, "Well most jobs don't mark you late until 8 minutes" which is true in some cases in a technical sense, but ONLY for an easier Payroll purpose (0 - 15 - 30 - 45 translates to 0 - .25 - .5 - .75 respectively), The real time you clocked in is still logged for when it comes time for Evaluations in Promotion and Raises. A report prints out that shows Timesheet discrepancies and everyone of your "not Lates", Long lunch breaks and even Early clock ins. Wondering why you didn't get that promotion over someone else that you feel you were more deserving than? Might want to look into your timesheet and it may explain why someone else edged you out. The logic is, You can't be a leader of a team if you can't even manage your own time.


And its not just a work thing either, Punctuality is you giving your word that you will be somewhere at an agreed upon time. When you violate that for no other reason than you felt like it than you've discounted everyone else's time and effort to get what they need done on their schedule. Being late can and will become an example of disrespect causing tension, lack of productivity and loss of Opportunity... Is it really worth that extra few minutes? I think not. Be on time